terça-feira, 4 de novembro de 2008

Se fosse no Brasil...

A manchete abaixo saiu hoje no Politiken, principal jornal da Dinamarca. Fala que tiros, imaginem, foram ouvidos em uma rua de Copenhagen. A policia fechou a rua e esta procurando entender o que possa ter ocorrido.
Imagina se fechassem as ruas no Brasil cada vez que se ouve um tiro...

Shots heard in Nørrebro district
Police have received reports of shots being fired on Mimersgade street in Copenhagen and have closed off the street.

Police have cordoned off the area around Mimersgade street in Copenhagen after reports of shots being fired. - Foto: DRESLING JENS

Police oficers have cordoned off Mimersgade street in Copenhagen following reports of shots being fired, according to reports confirmed by the Duty Police Officer. No further information is available apart from the fact that no-one has been detained. According to information received by politiken.dk, shots have been fired in the vicinity of two cafés on Mimersgade street and Nørrebrogade street. Police dogs are currently searching the area.

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