segunda-feira, 15 de dezembro de 2008

Criancas dinamarquesas com medo do Natal

Muitas criancas dinamarquesas estao com medo do Natal. Nao, certamente nao eh por algum receio em relacao aquele simpatico velhinho gordo de barba branca e roupa vermelha. As criancas temem a quantidade de bebida que os pais bebem e, principalmente, as consequencias desse trago todo.
Em funcao disso, o Conselho Nacional de Saude e o Ministerio da Educacao criaram um site para ajudar as criancas cujos pais se passam na bebida. O site oferece aconselhamento pessoal e sugestoes de o que fazer em situacoes mais criticas.
Deu no Politiken, cuja reportagem copio abaixo.
Eh, nem tudo eh essa maravilha no pais mais feliz do mundo...

Many kids fear Xmas
A National Board of Health website is to help children get through Christmas with alcoholised parents.

A website funded by the National Board of Health and the Education Ministry is to help the 60,000 children that the Board estimates live in families in which parents drink too much. While most children look forward to the Christmas period, these vulnerable children live in fear that the holiday period will end up in drunkenness and rows. Run by the Blue Cross and Landsforeningen Lænken,, is Denmark's most-visited site dealing with alcohol problems and is offering personal counselling to childen.

In the days up to and during Christmas children will be able to contact experts in children's and family affairs to offload or seek advice. Hope promises that they will receive an answer within 48 hours. "The idea is to give the children a refuge. Somewhere where they can become motivated to visit some of the other places where they can get help," says Allan Jonas, Project Employee at Hope. Most visitors want advice on how to get through Christmas. "At Christmastime parents are expected to use much more time with their children, give big presents and be in a good mood. That is the type of pressure that many people who are alcoholised can't take, and so they hit the bottle," says Jonas.

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