segunda-feira, 2 de fevereiro de 2009

Deu no Politiken de hoje: A Copenhagen University tem um novo projeto para desenvolver uma especie de primeira resposta do seculo XXI a dieta do mediterraneo. As intencoes sao otimas; dificil eh esperar muito do sabor... pra quem come peixe frio, defumado e em conserva, misturado com maionese e curry...

Copenhagen University gets large donation
Copenhagen University is to institute a new food project to push Nordic food as an alternative to Mediterranean food.

The Nordea Foundation has donated DKK 100 million to Copenhagen University in order to carry out a major research project to strengthen national health with a primary focus on child health, welfare and well-being. The OPUS project, as it is being called, will run over the next five years and is the biggest of its type in the world, according to an electronic newsletter from Copenhagen University.

Fighting obesity: “The new project will put Denmark at the international forefront in addressing problems such as obesity, learning difficulties and despondency among children. The project is also expected to provide valuable knowledge in preventing obesity-related disease in general,” the university says. One of the focus areas of the new project will be the development of a new meal concept to be introduced in national schools and families with children, to be based on Nordic raw materials.

Med food: One of the project’s visions is that New Nordic Food should be the 21st century answer to the famous and healthy Mediterranean food based on fish, fruit, vegetables and olives.

Um comentário:

Anônimo disse...

Marcelo, só agora "descobri" teu blog... bom ter informações e novidades tuas. A partir de março estarei em Köln/DE, onde permanecerei até dezembro.

Grande abraço!
Douglas Wegner