terça-feira, 10 de fevereiro de 2009

"Gases" taxados

Essa eu nao sabia. O governo dinamarques quer instituir um imposto sobre os "gases" produzidos por vacas e porcos. Isso mesmo, peidos e arrotos desses animais serao taxados. Nao, nao esperem um medidor por bichinho; a ideia eh um valor medio por animal.
A medida vai ao encontro das iniciativas do governo em reduzir todo e qualquer tipo de impacto ambiental causado no pais.
Eh claro que os bichanos continuarao peidando, com ou sem taxas. Mas o valor arrecadado poderah ser empregado em outros recursos preventivos ou mesmo corretivos referentes a poluicao.
Segue a noticia veiculada no Politiken.dk.

Taxing animal burps and flatulence
Denmark’s Tax Commission has come up with a new environmental tax: on the burps and flatulence of domesticated animals.
The burps and flatulence of Danish domesticated cows and pigs are likely to cost farmers a fortune if the Tax Commission’s proposal to tax methane gas emissions is adopted, according to Dagbladet Holstebro-Struer.
A million: Steen Nørgaard, a farmer near Holstebro in Jutland, can expect an annual increase in costs of one million kroner. “I’d be paying DKK 535,000 (EUR 71,000) in flatulence tax, then there’s nitrogen duty and increased duties on Danish Crown and Arla cooperatives of which I am a member. All of that will give me a loss of about one million kroner,” says Nørgaard. The Tax Commission has suggested a methane tax of DKK 600 (EUR 80) per cow. Cows release methane in the stomach gases that are released from both ends of the animal. The Commission says that there would be fewer cows and pigs in Denmark if the proposal is adopted.
Duty or no: Nørgaard, however says that such a tax is unreasonable. “Cows burp and emit gas from the other end irrespective of whether there is a tax or not. The idea with a tax is to change behaviour and reduce emissions of a gas. But the animals don’t care two hoots,” says Nørgaard.

3 comentários:

Filipe Costa disse...

Meu Deus do Céu!! E aqui no Imbé os lixeiros misturando todo tipo de lixo (organico e reciclavel) e os veranistas jogando latas pelas janelas dos carros.... Há mais que um oceano de distância entre nós!


gcamargo disse...

HAHAHAHAHAHA...não tenho mais o q dizer.......................so funny!!!

Déa disse...

Hahahahaha... não tem mais o que inventar!